Saturday, December 11, 2010

Making Connections and Using some Big Ideas

Continue to see connections everywhere. I'm writing pretty fast though and my husband, Jeff, remarked that for an English teacher my English is not so good (that's not the expression he used). I am like the kids here, skipping the revise step.

Anyway saw an amazing magic show last night that was a benefit for Theatre West. There were just a few kids in the audience (well we were all like kids watching this) but they were enthralled. Jeff said, isn't there some way you can teach Science and English using magic. These kids are hooked. Actually I'm sure someone has a curriculum linking magic to science - one act last night was a great lesson on centrifugal force. Rob Zabracky, the host, was this strange, enthralling character that I just loved.

Anyway at my school we are trying things out. There is a possiblity of getting IPADS or something similar so we can use the lesson from Hole in the Wall and have kids work in groups of four with the teacher stepping back. Both the science teacher and I did group work in our classrooms yesterday with groups of 4. I only have two computers in my room though, so students who needed to research sounded like they needed to use the bathroom. I kept hearing, "Hurry up I really need to use it."

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